All the miscellaneousness...

This is where you can find all the extra stuff that I can't find place for anywhere else and it doesn't quite warrant a page dedicated to it. If you are looking for additional art or desktops or links you've come to the right place. If you're looking to help out the comet 7, take a little jaunt over to the support c7 page and lend a hand.

Woo! Comet 7 desktop images for you to enjoy (and possibly trade with your friends if you so desire!). You can find more in this direction.

We also have a slick looking ock icon that you can download here. Thanks goes to Bay for the hookup!

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800x600 1024X768

800x600 1024X768

800x600 1024X768

Link to comet 7 and be radical. I mean let's be honest, you know you want to put one of these banners up on your site. Oh come on, just do it. Think of the children!